
New Year

Well, it's new year for me in my timezone (UTC+7). I wish for a happy new year for everyone !
In 2014, my first review will be newly earned HGAW 1/144 Gundam X. For the games, i'll be making a walkthrough for either Pokemon Platinum or Black/White 2 given the chance (I often had trouble with uploading since my internet is laggy).I'll also be showing my Minecraft and Osu! account here.

Enough for now, Happy New Year for Everyone !

HGAW 1/144 Gundam X Review

[IDN] Materi Biologi Kelas 9 : Bioteknologi

I.  Pengertian Bioteknologi
Bioteknologi adalah pemanfaatan prinsip-prinsip ilmiah dalam menggunkan organisme untuk menghasilkan produk dan jasa untuk memenuhi keabutuhan manusia.

II.    Penggolongan Bioteknologi
Berdasarkan tingkat kerumitan dalam pelaksanaan proses bioteknologi, bioteknologi dapat dibedakan menjadi dua yaitu
1. Bioteknologi Konvensional
Bioteknologi konvensional merupakan bioteknologi yang memanfaatkan mikroorganisme (bakteri dan jamur) melalui proses fermentasi. Fermentasi adalah proses pemecahan glukosa  pada bahan makanan oleh mikrobia. Bioteknologi konvensional memiliki beberapa karakteristik antara lain sebagai berikut :
  1. Jumlah produk yang dihasilkan dalam jumlah sedikit
  2. Hanya menerapkan teknologi sederhana
  3. Prosesnya relative belum steril sehingga kualitas hasilnya belum terjamin
Penerapan bioteknologi di bidang pertanian :
1. Hidroponik
Hidroponik adalah pengerjaan air atau bekerja dengan air. Media tanam yang digunakan genting,  kerikil (media porus), pasir (media pasir), air (media kultur air) dan lain-lain yang disiram dengan larutan berisi nutrient yang diperlukan tanaman. Keuntungan dari hidroponik :
  1. tanaman dapat dibudidayakan di segala tempat
  2. resiko tanaman rusak karena banjir, kurang air, erosi tidak ada
  3. tidak perlu lahan yang luas
  4. pertumbuhan tanaman lebih cepat
  5. hasilnya berkualitas dan berkuantitas tinggi
  6. hemat biaya perawatan
2. Aeroponik
Aeroponik adalah pemberdayaan udara. Sebenarnya aeroponik merupakan tipe hidroponik(memberdayakan air), karena air yang berisi larutan unsur hara disemburkan dalam bentuk kabut hingga mengenai akar tanaman. Akar tanaman yang ditanam menggantung dan akan nenyerap larutan hara tersebut. Sehingga aeroponik dapat dikatakan  tanaman dibiarkan menggantung dan dijaga kelembabanya.
2. Bioteknologi Modern
Bioteknologi modern adalah bioteknologi yang menggunakan peralatan yang canggih. Selain itu, bioteknologi modern sudah dilakukan dalam keadaan steril, produksi yang dihasilkan lebih berkualitas dan dihasilkan dalam jumlah yang besar. Penerapan bioteknologi modern tidak hanya melibatkan mikrobia sebagai pengubah bentuk maupun kandungan gizi pada makanan tetapi juga dapat dilakukan proses manipulasi terhadap susunan genetik mikrobia yang dimanfaatkan.
Bioteknologi modern meliputi rekayasa genetika dan teknologi reproduksi. Beberapa keuntungan bioteknologi modern yaitu :
  • Bidang Kedokteran: pembuatan vaksin, insulin, vitamin, enzim, antibiotika, antibodi monoklonal
  • Bidang Pertanian: Pemuliaan tanaman: untuk memperoleh varietas unggul dg cara teknologi rekombinan DNA in-vitro, seperti fusi protoplast.
  • Bidang Peternakan: Pemuliaan ternak
III.       Dampak Bioteknologi
a. Dampak positif penerapan bioteknologi :
1. mengurangi kekurangan bahan makanan
2. membantu mengastasi maslah kesehata
3. menyediakan berbagai senyawa organic, seperti alcohol dll
4. menyediakan energi (biogas)
5. memperbaiki lingkungan
6. mengatasi kesulitan memperoleh keturunan (bayi tabung)
b. Dampak negatif penerapan bioteknologi :
1. Tidak semua masyarakat menerima bioteknologi

2. Ada kehawatiran keterampilan merekayasa gen digunakan untuk kejahatan

Semester Exam

I'll apologize that for few weeks, i can't review my gunplas. This is because i'm preparing for the 5th semester exam. I'll be done around 14-15 December and will edit all posts by now. Also, my 1/144 GN-006 Cherudim Gundam GNHW/R is unable to be reviewed for a rather long time. It apparently fell off my display case when i'm not in my house. Because of that, i have to assemble it again. See you after the exam !

HG 1/144 00 Qan[T] Review

The 00 Qan[T] is a fifth generation gundam from the Gundam 00 series. The 00 Qan[T] is the successor of the 00 Raiser. The 00 Qan[T] is piloted by Setsuna F.Seiei on 2314 AD as the pilot's main unit after the 00 Raiser Condenser Type is destroyed. The 00 Qan[T] owns a Twin Drive System and are capable of both assisted and self teleportation.

In-Series Specification
  • Height  : 18.3 Meters
  • Weight : 63.5 Metric Tons
  • Power Plant : GN Drive (x2)
  • Weapons : GN Sword V, GN Shield, GN Beam Gun (Under shield) , GN Sword Bits (x6)
  • Feature : Trans-Am System,Quantum System,Bit Control,Teleportation,Twin Drive,GN Field.

Price : Usually around $12-16 in online stores. I bought it for around $20 in a local store.

Content :

6 runners,manual, and stickers. Not too much or too less for a HG

Runners A and B

PC,Runner C and D, and an ABS part for stand

Manual (Very helpful for pose guides and assembly)

Armaments and Pose Guide

Flashback (00 Gundam,Exia,00 Raiser)

Assembly :
Assembly is quite simple and doesn't take much time if you read the manual carefully. There are only 6 runners and there weren't much gimmick (Such as the Raphael's backpack or Harute's transformability), different from the other 00 movie gundams.


Torso and Hips

The head combines properties from Exia and 00 Raiser

Head Side View

The arms are assymmetric. There were also an optional part shown below

Foot (Front View)

Side View (Back part can be moved upward)

Main Body(Without Weapon)


Weapons :

Although this kit features only 4 type of weapons : The GN Sword V, the GN Shield,  the sword bits, and the beam gun (Hidden near the shield), this kit's weapons can be converted to various mode thanks to the sword bits. If you still want more weapons, you may get the optional Full Saber pack.

The only flaw of the weapons is that the buster sword's weight is too much and often hard to be posed with.

GN Sword Bits

GN Shield (Bare)

GN Shield (Bits Equipped)

GN Sword V Rifle Mode

GN Sword V Sword Mode

GN Sword V Buster Mode

Kit in Action :

As you can see, because this kit's articulation is very great, it can be posed versatilely. Although so, the GN Buster Sword is rather heavy. Because of that, a support is somewhat needed.
GN Sword V Pose

Basic Pose

GN Sword V Rifle Mode (Shield can be moved to the back)

GN Buster Sword Equipped
Pros :
  • Easy Assembly
  • Nice design and concept (Such as the Sword bits combining into larger weapons)
  • Comes with a free stand
  • Great articulation
  • Decent Price (If you bought it on an online store that is)
Cons :
  • Front hip piece and the head's clear parts can often fall off
  • GN Buster Sword is too heavy
Conclusion :
Based on the previous pros and cons, i recommended this suits for beginners,Gundam 00 Fans, or others who just loved this suit's unique design. This kit can also be modified into all sorts of form, such as the armorless Quantum Burst Mode, the ELS equipped one, the Full Saber one, and many more.

Introduction to Gunpla

You might want to read this first before reading my model kit reviews.

Gunpla is a type of model kit that features mobile suits, mobile armors and spaceships from the Mobile Suit Gundam series. Gunplas are mostly made in Japan (Although some kits are made in China) and have been there for more than 30 years.

The first thing you should know is that there were other non-gundam mobile suits featured in gunplas. Some of them are similar to Gundam, such as the "GM" and it's descendants, because it's shown to be mass-produced from Gundam. However, some mobile suits are different, such as Zeon mobile suits.

All sorts of GM. Last picture is actually Ideon.
 Usually similar mobile suits come from similar factions. For example, the MS-06 Zaku and MS-04 Dom are similar because they come from Zeon.
From left : Zaku I, Gelgoog Char Custom,Dom,Zaku II, Gouf. None of them are Gundam.
There were also mobile armors. This were much larger than mobile suits. Kits featuring them are usually 1/550 scale. Some mobile armors can dock with mobile suits, such as the GN ARMS,METEOR, and the Orchis mobile platform.

GP-03 Gundam docked with the "Orchis"
There were also transformable mobile suits. While some of them are gundam, such as the MSZ-006 Zeta, some are mobile suits, like the ReZel and Methuss.

Zeta Gundam's Waverider form
Gundam itself is a type of mobile suit. It's usually a 15-20 meters tall mobile suit. It's mostly the main protagonist/antagonist mobile suit and most of them are prototype better than mobile suits. Gundam have a distinct v-shaped antenna that differs it from other mobile suit. All gundam have them except for the Victory Hexa and the Ez8.

Because there are all sorts of different mobile suits , you might want to check this wiki for more information.

A single type of Gundam can came in many scales
The second thing you might want to know is that gunplas came in all sorts of "scales". The scale determine the kit's price,size,and difficulty. There are many scales of gunplas such as :

  • SD : This were the cheapest and smallest gundam kit. This is a non-scale kit so almost all mobile suits here are portrayed comically, with a same height and a big, non-proportional head. While this is recommended for starters, it would require painting to get a "complete"feel. There are many kinds of SD kits, many of them feature mobile suits wearing armors from the middle-ages and ancient Japan for the Knight Gundam and Musha Gundam/Sangokuden respectively.
  • FG 1/144 : This were the first gunplas, dating back to the 1980s. This requires plastic cement/glue for assembly and have few to no articulation.
  • HG 1/144 : This line is recommended for beginners. This kit features a wide range of models from various series. There are many kinds of High Grade models such as HGUC, HG SEED,HG 00, HG AGE. and many more. Out of all sorts of those models, HGUC is more complex than the other kits.
  • RG 1/144 : This series features an MG-like inner frame and many sort of decals. This kit features the largest motion range from the other kit.
  • AG 1/144 : It features mobile suits from Gundam AGE and have a limited motion in exchange for price and easier difficulty.
  • NG 1/100 : The NG 1/100 kit features gunpla from 1993 to 1998. There were also NG 1/100 series from SEED and 00. This kit is basically an oversized HG.
  • MG 1/100 : This kit is often preferred by intermediate to expert level builders. This kit features a better plastic quality and more articulation. This kit is larger than the HG kits, but it's more expensive. It's price depends on how many plastic materials is in it.
  • PG 1/60 : This kit is only recommended for experts. This kit is one of the most expensive, and contains a complex structure, such as LED wirings, and screw-only parts.
  • Mega 1/48 : The Mega 1/48 kit uses a HG-like construction, but is much larger. There are few kits in it such as the Rx-78 Gundam,Gundam AGE 1 and 2, and the MS-06 Zaku II.
After you consinder which suit to choose, you can start building it. You can then search for all sorts of straight build/lining/painting tutorial online. This link can help you to get started in building gunplas.

Off-Road Raptor Safari Review

Off-Road Raptor Safari is a game released on 2008 by Flashbang Studios. There is originally going to be a sequel, but it was cancelled on 2009. As stated obviously by the title, this game features the player, a monocle-wearing Velociraptor, using it's jeep and a spiked-chain-ball to hunt other raptors and transport them to teleporters spread around the map. The gameplay is very simple, yet rather enjoyable. All you need is to slam the spiked chain-ball to the raptors and drag them to the teleporters . You can also performs stunts or collect orbs to increase your overall score. All in a while, a pterosaur appears.If you're lucky enough you can catch it to get a boost of score. After five minute, the game ends and your score are calculated. However, the game have no specific goal other than to earn an optional achievement.
The game can be accessed  for free here. It requires the Unity Player (3.1 MB) that can also be downloaded in the game's page. The controls can also be found there, below the game screen. You can also create an account to record your score.

Pros : 1.The game is really fun and addictive.
           2.The Velociraptors actually have feathers .
              (A rare thing in dinosaur medias, even though the feathering in this game isn't fully correct. )
           3.Easy controls.
           4.The game is free.
           5. Nice graphics.

Cons:  1. Can be boring after some time.
            2. The game only last for 5 minutes.
            3. Might lag if the connection is slow.
            4. Lack of other dinosaurs.


Title Menu
First Kill
Raptor : Transported !
One More Kill 
Double Kill 
Dragging Two Raptors 
Game Summary


Welcome to A Neverending Randomness

This blog contains reviews for all sort of things, such as animes,games,movies,model kits, and many more. There were also informations about my daily life. As such, there will be separate tags for all sorts of different things in this blog. 

Also, just so you know, while the rest of this blog is in English, the posts about my school materials is in Indonesian. Because of that, materials in Indonesian have [IDN] before it's title.